Spend Analysis

Empowering Data-Driven Decisions

Are you looking for a way to gain better insight into your organization’s spending habits? By conducting a thorough spend analysis, you can identify areas where you are overspending and make more informed purchasing decisions going forward.

At Pinnacle, we specialize in providing spend analysis solutions that can help you streamline your procurement process and achieve greater cost savings. Our process starts with data transformation and ETL, in which we pull data from various sources and transform it into a single database. This allows us to get a complete view of your organization’s spending, rather than having data scattered across different systems.

Once the data is in our system, we perform normalization and parenting of vendor names, ensuring that all data is consistent and accurate. We also classify text-based information from descriptions like PO, invoice, and GR descriptions, allowing for easier analysis and visualization of spending patterns.

Speaking of visualization, we also provide a visualization layer using popular tools like Power BI, Tableau, QlikView, and more. This enables you to easily see and understand your spending data and identify areas where you can cut costs or negotiate better pricing with suppliers.

Our spend analysis solutions have helped many organizations gain greater control over their spending and achieve significant cost savings. Don’t let overspending hold your organization back – contact us today to learn more about how our solutions can help you.